Sunday, February 21, 2010



Sinead Keenan wears a pale pink 1940s dress from
Tuesday February 2,2010
By Charlie Wells Have your say(0)

WITH masses of black in her wardrobe, Being Human star Sinead Keenan is in touch with her dark side.

Sinead Keenan, 32, is best known for playing Kelly Hawkins in Moving Wallpaper and Nina in Being Human.

She recently appeared in the Doctor Who Christmas special. Born in Dublin, she now lives in east London.

How would you describe your style? I’m not particularly loyal to any brand. It is a bit mix and match.

What colours, shapes and styles suit you best? Turquoise is good on me but I don’t really have much of it. I wear a lot of black and I love jeans with a nice jacket. I do like dressing up but only every so often – I’m too lazy!

Who is your style icon? I don’t have one but I think Jennifer Aniston always looks good. She’s stylish in casual jeans and combats but then she can still pull it out of the bag for red-carpet events. I also like the 1950s stars like Marilyn Monroe. I think that’s why I love vintage.

This vintage black ruffle frock is actually a skirt, but Sinead wears it as a dress.

Which celebrity’s wardrobe would you like to own? Probably Jennifer Aniston’s. I wouldn’t necessarily fit into her clothes though.

How do you dress on “fat” days? I call them fugly days – fat and ugly. I just wear something loose and black.

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? No time at all. Even with hair and make-up, I take about 10 minutes, I am very low maintenance – men should know this about me!

What is your current favourite outfit? My new black leather jacket from Topshop and my new jeans from American Eagle in the States. I bought them over Christmas.

I’m not a fan of handbags. In fact, I hate them. I like to be free and not have to lug a bag around. But I do really like my brown leather bag from a vintage store
Being Human star Sinead Keenan

What is the one item of clothing you can’t live without? Jeans. I have too many pairs. I’ve just bought four more because it’s hard to find decent ones that fit.

How much have you spent on clothes this month? About £60 or £70 for my jeans in the sale. I’m a lazy shopper and hate looking around for clothes.

What is the oldest item in your wardrobe?I have quite a lot of vintage stuff. I used to go to vintage shops and try and root around but then I came across They will even mend tears for you.

Have you ever made a fashion faux pas? Millions of them. When I was younger I was in a play and I had to wear a black catsuit for a performance of Right Said Fred’s I’m Too Sexy. Enough said.

Do you clear out your wardrobe every season? No, but I wish I did. I always think, “I’ll keep this just in case.”

Do you own more day wear than evening wear? I wear a lot of smart casual – jeans with a nice jacket.

Do you have a favourite shop or designer? I don’t have one in particular. I like vintage. I think it’s the whole dressing up element of it.

Would you say your wardrobe is more high street or designer? Definitely more high street.

What is the most expensive item in your wardrobe? Probably my Armani biker jacket which cost £180.

How many pairs of shoes do you own? Probably about 20. I wear more flats as walking around London in heels is just ridiculous.

Do you wear silver or gold jewellery? Both. I buy jewellery from all over – from markets and from the high street – but most of my good stuff has been inherited.

How much of your wardrobe is black? I would say half.

Do you wear diamonds? I do but the only diamonds that I have were inherited from my mum.

Have you ever had anything made to measure? For work, yes. For theatre, especially.

How many handbags do you own? I’m not a fan of handbags. In fact I hate them. I like to be free and not have to lug a bag around. But I do really like my brown leather bag from a vintage store in Bristol. It’s not too big but you can fit a lot inside.

What is the best fashion advice you would give others? Don’t be a slave to fashion. Go for what’s comfortable. Remember you are the one that has to wear it.

If your house was burning down what item would you save? I wouldn’t save anything I would just run – you can always buy everything all over again.

Being Human is on BBC3 on Sundays at 9.30pm.

Q&A: The cast of 'Being Human' From:

Q&A: The cast of 'Being Human'
Saturday, January 9 2010, 22:15 GMT

By Dan French, US TV Editor

2009 was all about the Being Human boys: within a matter of months we gave you a sneak peek at series two via Russell Tovey and Aidan Turner. But now, since we've hit a new year, we thought it best to turn our attentions to the girls. Ahead of Human's return on Sunday, we hooked up with leading ladies Lenora Crichlow and Sinead Keenan - the show's resident ghost and is-she-isn't-she werewolf respectively - to find out what's in store this time around. Is a happy ending in sight? Read on to find out!

Where does series two pick up?
LC: "A few things have changed: Nina's moved in and she's kind of with George, Annie's visible having confronted all of her stuff, and Mitchell is back on the wagon. Their friendships are really cemented now, so when things starts happening to them as individuals, it really changes the dynamic of the house. There's a lot more at stake now that they're friends."
SK: "It picks up 27 days after we left series one. George has killed Herrick, Annie has got her mojo back, and Mitchell feels he's moved away from the vampire lot. Meanwhile, upstairs in the bathroom Nina's discovering a couple of scratches she didn't have before and panicking! Certainly from Nina's point of view this first episode kicks off with is she/isn't she..."

And is she?
SK: "I couldn't possibly say but it's very exciting!"

Has it been different playing this new side to her?
SK: "Well, that's if there is a new side to her! I couldn't possibly say. She's a lot more present in this series than the last one. She's moved in so when we start the first episode she's living with George, Annie and Mitchell so she's very much at the centre of things."

What's her relationship with George like?
SK: "In those 27 days it's gone through a lot. You find out your boyfriend's a werewolf and that you're living with a ghost and a vampire! It's not necessarily what somebody from the medical profession would naturally encounter so that's all a bit weird. There are cracks beginning to show for various reasons."

How do you think she'd cope if she'd been turned?
SK: "In the first series you see that she's been scarred and when you first see her meet George she's very stand-offish - she's built up this barrier. Slowly, throughout the first series, you see that something's clearly gone on there and underneath she's quite vulnerable but she's learnt to cope with whatever, and you find out what those scars are in the first episode as well. So she's coped with that and I think she's very strong and she has good coping mechanisms. If she was turned she would just get on with it but it would be very difficult, naturally."

And if she wasn't would that put a strain on their relationship?
SK: "There are so many questions whether she is or she isn't - what does this mean for their relationship? Once a month do they steer clear for a couple of days? If we have kids will they be kids or will they be pups? There's lots to find out."

What's in store for Annie this series?
LC: "When we first meet Annie again, she's very excitable. But throughout the series she gets beaten down again and again and again. Poor girl! She questions the idea of a relationship, but there's not a romantic one for her at the moment. Now that she's a poltergeist, she's got an up and down journey. She's got more powers though like reading auras."

The first series had the vampire mythology as the overriding theme. Is there a big theme this time?
SK: "The overriding theme - certainly the threat last time - was vampire. This time it's human and all the more scary for it in a way. It's human - all about the humans."

What can you tell us about the end of series two?
LC: "It's very exciting where Annie ends up and it's definitely not a happy ending! There's a really exciting end and a massive twist. It happens to Annie but it has ramifications for everybody..."

'Being Human' Again and Again


BBC America is 'Being Human' Again and Again Cable network to air second and third seasons of British fantasy-drama

By Michael Simpson | Monday, February 15, 2010

L-R: Aidan Turner, Russell Tovey and Lenora Crichlow in Season 1 of the BBC's 'Being Human'

The popular British fantasy-drama Being Human is currently airing a second season and heading into a third season in the UK. The good news for fans in the US is that all three seasons have been picked up for broadcast in America. BBC America will air both Season 2 and Season 3, the cable network has announced. It broadcast Season 1 in July 2009.

Being Human stars Russell Tovey (Little Dorrit, Doctor Who, The History Boys), Lenora Crichlow (Sugar Rush, Doctor Who, Kiss Of Death) and Aidan Turner (The Clinic) as housemates trying to live normal lives despite the fact that they are a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost. The show started life as a pilot on BBC Three in the UK. This proved to be such a hit among viewers and critics that it was commissioned as a six-part series.

"Being Human uniquely combines the drama and complexity of ordinary life with the heightened excitement of the supernatural world, in a vibrant, witty and compelling way." said Julie Gardner, Head of Drama Commissioning, BBC Wales. "The six-part series sees our twenty-something friends embark on extraordinary journeys as they battle their inner demons and the outside world, and struggle to find out what it really means to be human."

BBC America will begin airing the second season of Being Human in the United States on July 25, according to the network's website. The following preview of Season 2 was published in a BBC America press release:

Russell Tovey, Lenora Crichlow and Aidan Turner return as George, Annie and Mitchell, the three twenty-somethings trying to live as normally as possible despite being a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost. After the death of vampire leader Herrick at the end of season one, the supernatural friends are hoping they can now get on with their lives, but an even greater danger is lurking, within the very human world of which they want to be a part.

Werewolf George is coming to terms with the fact that he has Herrick's blood on his hands, and a girlfriend who knows his horrific secret. Meanwhile, turning down the door of death has implications for ghost Annie, but her confidence is at a peak and she’s determined to stand up and be counted in the real world. And, with Herrick gone, Mitchell must appease the vampire world - can he find a way to lead by example?

The American cable network Syfy is also preparing a US version of Being Human.

"It turned out great as we can now do an American version," Syfy president Dave Howe said when Syfy's intent was announced last year. "We've always been keen on vampires and werewolves, and we loved the originality of Being Human, the fact that the fantastical creatures in it are very young, accessible and charming."

According to this site, the US version is being scripted by Jeremy Carver, who has written for the CW's Supernatural, and Anna Fricke (Privileged).