Monday, February 28, 2011

Picture This...'Being Human SyFy' Crew Hangs Together

Too cool...This trio actually hangs out together.
Sam Huntington, Sam Witwer, and Meaghan Rath tweeted this pic as they hung out tonight catching the latest episode of 'Being Human'.
We just can't get enough of these guys!

You can follow @SammyHuntington an @meaghanrath on Twitter.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Valentine's Day #BeingHuman T-Shirt "GiveAway"

Have an extra 'Being Human' BBC America T-Shirt that I'll be giving away to one of my Twitter followers - size xlg only. 
To enter random drawing, just follow me on Twitter and check out my 'ReTweeting'details.
Contest will end at 11 PM on Valentine's Day PST.